Vegetarian and Vegan

Did you know that most of Kerr's products are either vegetarian (with dairy), or vegan/vegetarian (without dairy)?
All ingredients used in Kerr's products are from a vegetarian source, with the exception of gelatin.
All Kerr’s products made without gelatin are considered vegetarian, and many are also vegan. We make Kerr's toffees and caramels the traditional way, by slow-cooking them with ingredients such as Canadian milk, cream, and butter.
Please see below for a full list of the products which contain gelatin and are not currently vegetarian:
- Creamy Caramel Caramel Apple (130g)
- Creamy Caramels Toasted Coconut (130g)
- English Mints (200g)
- Fruit Taffy (150g)
- Fruit Taffy (550g)
- Greek Yogourt Fruit Chews (150g)
- Light Fruit Smoothies (90g)
- Wintergreen Mints (200g)